Edoardo Arzani



Edward Arzani, born in Codogno (MI) April 26, 1988, I graduated from the Art School “B. Cassinari” in Piacenza. After high school I continued my studies following my passions: cinema and comics. In 2010 I graduated from a course for camera operators and editing  at the Bologna Academy of Cinema. During and after the abovementioned studies I realized the short film “Prosit” (a collaboration with LILA Piacenza) as editor and the medium-length film “Mother” as cameraman and editor.

In 2011 I enrolled at the International School of Comics of Reggio Emilia in a comics course. During this time I worked with Centro Freschi realizing their advertising flyers, taking care of both the graphics and illustrations.

After concluding my studies in 2013, I started a collaboration with Agata film realizing the illustrations used for the motion comics of the web series “Nero – la serie“, and in 2016, the poster I made for this series, won the award for Best Poster at the Rome Web Series Awards.

In 2014 I illustrated the book of poems “Scendea fischiando sorella morte” (Edizioni Scritture) and in 2016 the book “Il soffio del vento – Da Chernobyl a Caorso trent’anni dopo” (Edizioni Ponte Gobbo).

In 2015 I met Emilio Alessandro Manzotti and  the collaboration was born for the realization of the graphic novel of the novel by the same name and written by Manzotti , “Freccia“.

In 2016 I started a collaboration as colorist with Sergio Bonelli Editore.